A Gentle Invitation to Healing: Join Us on February 29th


We understand that the journey through miscarriage, stillbirth, or infant loss can feel incredibly isolating and heavy. But here's a gentle reminder: you are not alone, and you don't have to carry this burden by yourself. We invite you to join us on February 29th at 1 pm for a virtual gathering, where we'll create a warm, comforting space for healing and granting yourself the permission to navigate the distress that often accompanies loss.

The Journey of Healing:

Losing a baby is an unimaginable pain, one that lingers in the heart forever. Healing is not about erasing that pain; it's about finding a way to live your life without feeling emotionally overwhelmed or unexpectedly triggered.

**The Virtual Gathering: February 29th at 1 pm:**

Mark your calendars for a special virtual gathering on February 29th at 1 pm. This day holds significance, offering an opportunity to come together with others who understand, to share, to listen, and to take a moment to honor the love and loss that has shaped your journey.

**Permission to Grieve:**

Give yourself the gift of permission to grieve. On this day, release the expectation to be okay or to have everything figured out. It's more than okay not to be okay. This virtual gathering is a tender space where your feelings are not only valid but also deeply understood—a place to begin the gentle journey of healing.

**You Are Not at Fault:**

Let's say it softly: It's not your fault. Miscarriage, stillbirth, and infant loss often transcend our control. Blaming yourself won't change the past. Instead, let's focus on finding gentle ways to honor the love you have for your baby.

**Incorporating Love into the Next Chapter:**

Living your life after loss doesn't mean forgetting. It means weaving the love you have for your baby into the tapestry of your journey. This virtual gathering isn't just about processing pain; it's about gently finding a path forward that allows you to live authentically while tenderly honoring the precious life that touched yours.

Trauma processing groups have shown to reduce distress for people who have experienced events that have changed their lives leaving disturbance, distress and body level discomfort. Join us for G-TEP a group processing group to help you honour your grief and also create a life YOU want to live post loss.


Join us on February 29th at 1 pm. Let this be a soft moment for yourself, a moment to acknowledge your pain, to tenderly grant yourself permission to grieve, and to take a step toward gentle healing. You deserve a life that incorporates the love you have for your baby without any hint of self-punishment. Together, we'll embrace the journey ahead, honoring the past while stepping into a future filled with hope and love. You are not alone, and your story is both uniquely yours and profoundly powerful. 💖

Please reach out to register at info@ambersperling.ca

#HealingTogether #GriefSupport #VirtualGathering #trauma #processingloss #perinatalloss

Amber Sperling

Amber Sperling is a Registered Social Worker / Psychotherapist specializing in perinatal mental health and trauma.


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