EMDR Trauma Therapy
Treating childhood, recent event and birth trauma in Barrie, Ontario and virtually to residents across Ontario, Canada.
Are you feeling overwhelmed and confused about who you are after facing a difficult or life changing event?
Maybe you have noticed when you think about returning to work or when someone asks you about your birth story you are confused by your emotions: you thought it was something you could handle.
Perhaps you avoid certain family members or special occassions to avoid the distress that inevitably surfaces. You may struggle to remember details about the past, or simply not wanting to get out of bed because you feel so unsafe. Perhaps you’re feeling worthless, defective or like you will never be the parent your baby deserves.
Whatever it is that you’re experiencing, you’re beginning to notice the impact of this in every facet of your life:
Avoiding leaving the house
Suffering from nightmares, flashbacks and intrusive thoughts
Always feel like you are walking on eggshells or hyper sensitive to certain noises, touch or other sensory input
RELIEF: After treatment with EMDR, your life will be less distressing, and you will be more confident and engaged in a life that you want to live.
Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) can help.
It may feel impossible now, but you can thrive post trauma. You can sleep without nightmares. You can think about your past without feeling overwhelmed and return to work after witnessing a traumatic event. And I can help you get there.
EMDR helps you to:
identify the root of the problem you are experiencing (the “target”)
Learn how the messaging you tell yourself about the problem impacts many different parts of your life including your ability to connect with other people and how you see the world
Build a strong tool box of resources so you can confidently face the future without feeling you are not worthy, are powerless or unsafeI’ll help through this process, tailoring each step to your unique needs and circumstances. My approach to treating trauma comes from a place of hope and experience: you are not responsible for the events life has thrown at you and you can feel in control of your life again.
Ever wonder what trauma is and why our memories related to trauma are different?
Past trauma and distress don’t have to be your story.
It’s time to live life, not avoid living.
I can help you get there.
Q: What are EMDR trauma therapy sessions like?
In the beginning, sessions involve asking questions about your past, present, and fears related to the future. I will gather information about your strengths and resources: the things that you have going for you internally and the people you surround yourself with. We will discuss the “targets” of past events that you are carrying with you. EMDR does not require in depth discussion about your experiences. In fact, as a trained EMDR therapist, I know you have all the information you need inside of your head. My role is to guide you and gather “headlines” of targets you would like to reprocess. When we both agree you are ready to move into the reprocessing phase, EMDR requires you to either use your eyes moving back and forth or gentle tapping on your shoulders, knees, or a table bilaterally, which engages your brain in a way that helps you to reprocess events. Learn more by watching this EMDRIA video.
Q: How long do I need to be in therapy?
I hear this question often, and the answer is “it’s very individual.” Without knowing you, a therapist can’t tell you how long therapy will last. I have some clients attend one session and others meet for years of therapy. Some issues can be resolved with 6-10 sessions. However, I do not provide the length of therapy without a full indivudalized intake.
Q: How do I know if EMDR will work for me?
While I can’t make guarantees, prior to delving into reprocessing using EMDR, any well trained therapist will assess your ability to tolerate distress, assess the resources you have, and assess your ability to cope when feeling distressed. I strive to connect with my clients and provide options for treatment after the intake while trying out different strategies to see how they respond to the resourcing or coping strategies that use EMDR techniques. EMDR has decades of research supporting effectiveness in treating trauma. However, no therapy will work on every individual.
Q: How do we get started?
Reach out today to book a free consultation phone call. I will explain my role and what I bring to the therapy relationship, then give you opportunity to explain what your situation is that brought you to connect with me. In this call I will share my initial thoughts on what I believe will help you and how I would work to meet your goals. I’ll set up an initial plan for our work together. If you feel we are a good fit, we will book an initial 50 minute session for an intake.
At the intake I learn more about you and the circumstances related to your concerns. I also review your history and your goals. I’ll answer any questions you have in session, via secure messaging between sessions, and we can book follow up appointments after your session or via my online booking portal.
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